


1.小黄鱼  Little yellow fish

2.红烧肉  Braised pork in brown sauce

(又名:Ming lou's favorite meat)

3.咖啡 coffee

(特指:Ming cheng give Ming lou's)

4.金条  Gold bar

(又名:Ming cheng's favorite)

5.毒蛇  serpent

(又名:Ming lou)

6.毒蝎  Scorponok

(又名:Ming tai)

7.青瓷  Celadon

(又名:Ming cheng)

8.面粉厂  Mil room

(又名:Bong bong bong)

9.樱花号  Sakura train

(又名:kuang chi kuang chi bong bong bong)

10.玫瑰花  Rose

(又名:When Ming lou love a girl)

11.阿司匹林  Aspirin

(又名:Special headache)

12.螃蟹  Crab

(又名:Li xunran's favorite)

13.支票  Check

(又名:Tan zonming have most things)

14.麻辣香锅  Spicy hot pot

(又名:Ling yuan doesn't like eat)

15.骨科  Orthopaedics

(又名:jie zhi)

16.私炮坊  Private cannon mill


17.偏黑色的健康皮肤  A black, healthy skin

(又名:Ji bai)

18.馒头  Steamed buns

(又名:Zhuang shu)

19.粉子蛋  Rice glue ball with wine

(又名:Lin chen 's favorite)

20.没脑子  No brain

(又名:Sometimes it's Xiao jingyan)

19 Dec 2017
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